Rabu, 22 Desember 2010

Prevent Cancer with a Vegetarian Diet

Prevent Cancer

Cancer is becoming more and more prevalent these days, whether it's breast cancer, colon cancer, or lung cancer. It has become more of a fear. In some cases, there's not much you can do to prevent cancer, as some believe that some forms of cancer are hereditary, but others believe that some forms of cancer are situational and environmental.

For the hereditary cancer, I'm not sure what one can do to potentially prevent cancer, but in regards to situational and environment cancer, there is evidence that a vegan or vegetarian diet can be a potential preventative.

Although, there isn't any 100 percent proof that changing to a vegetarian diet will prevent cancer there is evidence that it may because the overall diet is much healthier, and according to officials at the National Cancer Institute about 80 percent of cancer can actually be prevented by dietary changes.

Prevent Breast Cancer

About 1 in every 8 women develop breast cancer, so the odds of getting this form of cancer is rather high. The thought process of the increased risk of developing breast cancer is potentially caused by the extra preservatives, toxins, and unnatural fillers in foods. By changing to a vegetarian diet and eating healthier, one can potentially prevent the odds of developing breast cancer.

A diet that is low in sugar, minimizes dairy and meat products, and contains high levels of greens, fruits, and vitamin D, leads to higher odds of cancer prevention.

Vitamin D is essential for the immune system, as it aids the body in attacking cancer cells, especially breast cancer cells. The vitamin D prevents the cancer cells from dividing and multiplying. Try eating foods that are rich in vitamin D, such as mushrooms, dark leafy green vegetables, fish oil, soy milk, and rice milk. You can also find enriched breads and grains. Also, keep in mind that you can absorb vitamin D from the sun; fair skinned individuals will benefit from 10-15 minutes a day, while darker skinned individuals will benefit from up to an hour a day.

It is thought that diets that are rich in fats, meat, and dairy products cause hormones to flourish and excess saturated fat, which can potentially cause breast cancer, but vegetarian and vegan diets can prevent if not reverse breast cancer.

There are many reports of breast cancer survivors that have changed their diet after chemo and cancer treatments, and have reported many cancer-free years.

Prevent Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is the most prevalent in Western societies because the average diets are rich in red meat, dairy, and fat, so by switching to a vegetarian diet, you can reduce the chances of contracting colon cancer.

Maintaining a diet rich in red meat and fats, shows about a 50% increased risk of developing colon cancer.

In one study, participants were put on either a vegetarian, red meat, or red meat and high-fiber diet for 15 days, and after the study, blood tests were taken from each participant. Those on the red meat diet had significantly higher levels of N-nitrosocompounds, which is a compound that can alter DNA and increase risks of colon cancer. The less meat in the diet and the more fiber that was in the diet the less N-nitrosocompounds that were detected. It's thought that the fiber helps to repair damaged DNA, as well as decrease the harmful compounds that stay in the colon.

Other Cancers that can Potentially be Prevented with Vegetarian Diet

  • Bladder Cancer
  • Lymphoma
  • Male Lung Cancer (attributed to animal sources of protein and calcium)
  • Ovarian Cancer
  • Pancreas Cancer
  • Prostate Cancer
  • Rectum Cancer
  • Stomach Cancer

Reasons a Vegetarian Diet can Prevent Cancer

  • Vegetarian diets typically include antioxidant-rich foods, which help fight free radicals which can cause cancer (Brightly colored fruits and vegetables, as well as vitamins A, C, D, and E are antioxidants that are quite beneficial to the body).
  • Fruits and vegetables contain phytochemicals, which aid the immune system at destroying tumors.
  • A German study has sown that men who are vegetarians have twice the number of natural killer cell activity than men of the same age who have a more omnivorous diet.
  • It is thought that plant-based fibers, proteins, and diets can hinder cancer cell metastasis.

source : http://hubpages.com/hub/prevent-cancer-vegetarian-diet

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